Monday, December 30, 2013

Countering the Myths About Methadone

Great article:  Countering the Myths About Methadone by Dr. Edwin A. Salsitz

Click Here to Read

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

UNM Study Proves Effectiveness of our MDC MMT

Earlier this year, our Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMT) at Bernalillo County's Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) was in the news. At that time, there was debate over the need for such a program and the County Commissioners contemplated stopping the program completely. However, given strong outcry from the public and experts in the field of addiction medicine, the program was continued. Additionally, the Commissioners requested a scientific study be done to investigate the effectiveness of the MDC methadone program. UNM was asked to complete this study and they have now done so, reporting their findings at the County Commissioners meeting on 12/10/13.

The study, completed under UNM PhD's, was an in depth look into both the published scientific research regarding methadone treatment for inmates, as well as the effectiveness of the program run by Recovery Services of New Mexico at MDC. 

They have solidly proven that the MMT program at MDC is a much needed entity that not only benefits those addicted to opioids but also our society. 

Funding has always been a battle for the MDC MMT, however this study clearly demonstrates that continuing the program actually saves the county money through decreased rearrests of MMT patients.

These findings were very well received by the Commissioners and a motion to continue the program under Recovery Services of New Mexico was proposed and unanimously passed.

All in all, we are very pleased with the findings of the study and proud of what Recovery Services of New Mexico has accomplished with the MMT at MDC. It has been an arduous process keeping the program alive and we hope this study gives the necessary push needed to make it a solid fixture. 

We look forward to continuing the MMT program at MDC as we strongly believe it is the right thing to do for opiate addicted patients and for our society. 

Please read the study for yourself: Click Here

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New Success Story

We just received another accolade from one of our patients, thank you Danielle!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Our Mission

Recovery Services of New Mexico was founded in 2003 with the goal of treating opiate addiction in New Mexico.  Through dedication to a patient-centered approach, strict adherence to proven treatment principles, ethical business conduct, and community outreach, Recovery Services has grown to become the largest and most effective treatment organization of its type within the State of New Mexico.

Thousands of opiate addicted New Mexicans have received, and continue to receive, treatment through Recovery Services. However, many more have yet to enter treatment for their addiction and begin on the road to recovery for themselves, their families, and our community.  We invite anyone with concerns about opiate addiction in themselves or another to contact us to begin the process of moving towards a brighter future.